School Management Software
Digital School provide wide and compact school management software/system that solves all modern school and administration problems like school students management, finance management, e-library management, hostel management, teacher management, administrator management, automated result and rank creation, bulk SMS, automated marksheet and certificate creation and export option, e-attendance etc. A lot of features including in this system.
Digital school platform is user-friendly and easy to use by even the least acquainted user. This system has the capacity of making your school transformed into the information-driven age. Our goal is to make your school digitalize from the manual system. we also customize everything to the instructions of your school, thus introducing your school and its unique quality.
Our greatest joy is to solve every school problem that has to do with computerization and reduce stress in administration and management of the school. Saving time in result computation, and also maintaining accuracy is our topmost priority.
We don't have any hidden cost just feels free to get well service. You can take a free visit before registration Free Visit. We provide two types of service package as Standard and Customise whatever you can choose as per your requirement. Go to Package.